Okaeri nasai…to myself…
Been a long time since my last visit. So many missing things to be written here. Didnt know what had happened with my blogs..Hufff...
So many things to do lately. Rushing me in busy things and pushing me to live underworld. Geez… My eyes is getting slanter, so heavy, tired, and ‘hot’ like putting onions in my eyes. Always sleeping at 2am up to 4 am and even late in the morning. Wakes up, and starts the day behind my compie or lappy till i’m going to bed again. Actually its not my own lappy, my PIC lended me since my own is becoming a ‘wreckage’ hahaha. Heard by chance, its probably a donation from SBY for something up, i dont know exactly. So here we are, me and my ‘borrowing’ lappy. “Coding merry go around”. Nothing more than coding lately. In which, actually i dont exactly keen on it. Sleeping late,wake up late,coding till late,eating late,so so… Suicide is one rasionable reason for now hahaha… I’m killing my self with my works and this bad habit. I’m dying. But i must overcome all of this. This work is not done yet, still far from over. Yeah, its not over yet.
I’m now trying to get this work done asap. Plenty tasks to do, design and build a web application to online register at UB for those who are still in high school from entire high school around this country (and also outside) to be the next college newbies here. Its called SelMa UB, stands for Seleksi Masuk UB. Running at
http://selma.brawijaya.ac.id (with or without www). So, high school student must apply here first and entry their data (biography,marks,achievements,etc), print their application letter, legally signed by their headmaster and send to UB, after verified by UB, the result will be posted in this SelMa UB site.

Online Registration SelMa (Seleksi Masuk) UB
While I’m finishing this, i’m also contentrating with its front-end administration site. Shortly, i must make two sites with totally different looks and feel and behavior, in an instant like… zaappp…and its magically appears… and I must finish this by me SELF!! Arrggghhhh…. dont blame me if somehow sometime i’m going to jump out from the window from tenths floor. Geezzz… but i’m not that crazy… yet…
I juz want to get this finished asap. Get a normal rest and sleep, like other normal people, with normal life… Amiinnn…