What Putrapanduadikara Means |
![]() You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people. Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems. Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic “Type A” personality. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them. |
Monday, December 1, 2008
My Name's Hidden Meaning
Friday, November 14, 2008
Japanese Dolls
Boneka-Boneka Jepang (Bagian 1)
Boneka-Boneka Jepang (Bagian 2)
If you have some spare times, please read it, it will be delighful for me...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dampak Overload SMS
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hei Para Pemimpin
tak tahukah kalian atau berpura-pura tak mau tahu
Ketika kampanye tolol kalian telah menambah korban dua oranganak?
Hei para ahli politik,
tak tahukah kalian atau berpura-pura tak mau tahu
ketika kampanye payah kalian telah menjadi ajang kerusuhan?
Demi kekuasaan, kalian mengotori lingkungan
Demi ketenaran, kalian menyakiti pohon-pohon
Memajang wajah-wajah kalian dimana-mana
Menghamburkan uang demi iklan, kaos, selebaran dan permainan kotor kalian
Setelah selesai, semuanya menjadi onggokan sampah!
Apakah pengorbanan besar itu layak ketika kau kalah?
Kenapa tidak amalkan saja uang kalian yang segunung itu?
Lingkungan masih banyak yang membutuhkan pembenahan
Bukan perusakan demi politik semata kalian
Kalian ingin menjadi pelindung?
Belum jadi pelindung saja telah menimbulkan kerusakan
Kalian ingin menjadi pemersatu?
Belum jadi pemersatu kalian sudah terpecah belah memikirkan partai kalian
Kalian ingin mensejahterakan?
Belum-belum kalian sudah menghamburkan banyak uang
Aku tidak membutuhkan kampanye,
Karena kalian berpesta pora di dalamnya
Aku hanya butuh lingkungan yg aman dan nyaman
Aku tidak butuh janji muluk kalian setelah terpilih
Karena aku tidak tahu apa kalian menepatinya
Aku ingin komitmen dan buktinya sebelum kalian terpilih
Kumohon jadilah pemimpin yang bijak, jadilah ahli politik yang bersih
Aku mohon…
Sesungguhnya Allah SWT mengutuk orang-orang yang berbuat kerusakan di atas muka bumi
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Semua ingin jalan mudahnya. Tak ada yang benar2 peduli. Hanya mengomel panas, mengeluh peluh.
CO2 dari motor-motor manusialah yang menyebabkan panas matahari tetap berada di bumi.
Semakin banyak pohon2 ditebangi tanpa sadar itulah sumber keteduhan sebenarnya. Bukan AC!
Hei kalian yang sering mengeluh dan berdemo!!!
Tidakkah kalian peduli lingkungan daripada perut kalian. Alamlah yang memberi kalian ketenangan dan makanan. Agama mengajarkan kalian untuk melindungi alam, supaya manusia memetik hasilnya. Bukan merusaknya!
Berdemolah untuk hal mudah di sekitar kalian.
Bukan hanya GreenPeace!
Berdemolah untuk mengurangi polusi. Kurangilah polusi dari motor-motor kalian. Turunlah dari motor-motor kalian. Apa kalian sebegitu angkuhnya sehingga tidak mau menapakkan kaki kalian di bumi yang telah menciptakanmu?
Berdemolah agar dibuat jalur pedestrian yang nyaman bagi pejalan kaki agar kalian melatih kaki, bukannya mengeluarkan asap-asap kotor saja. Bukan tempat parkir dan ruko!!
Sadarkah kalian mereka membangun tempat-tempat itu dengan membunuh pohon-pohon???
Sadarkan pemimpin kalian!
Jangan hanya mencari uang dari membangun tempat-tempat untuk membuang uang kalian. Sadarkan mereka bahwa kita menjerit kepanasan. Tak ada tempat yang nyaman untuk berjalan. Tak ada kerindangan lagi di Malang ini. Hanya ruko dan ruko. Kita hidup di Malang Kota Bunga, BUKAN MALANG KOTA RUKO!!
Hei para pemimpin sadarlah kalian!!!
Kami yang memilih kalian! Demi kami yang kepanasan sedangkan kalian berada di ruangan sejuk, lakukanlah sesuatu! Enak sekali kalian tidak merasakan panas yang kami rasakan. Jangan cuma ongkang-ongkang kaki, menenteng uang.
Bantulah kami!
Jangan cuma mengeluh!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Ouchh... i got a headache!
I juz had slept for less than 3 hours n in 7am ago. All nite long I kept awaken. Actually i slept 2 hours at 8pm yesternight. Woke up at 10pm, n took a wudlu to start pray n recite. It was a long long recital. Kept reciting istighfar more than an hour and must be done until 10.000 times. But i couldnt. Got only 5000. geez. gotta get struggle tonight.
After reciting, opened my PC and surfed the net. Checked out fs, fesbuk, blogs, and finally I created my newly DeviartArt acc. its Kiera Yuuki's DeviantArt, an alter ego of me, Hikaru Yuuki called, using kanji Hate.
I am a programmer not yet an artist. I juz love to art n being artistic.
In my DeviantArt, I had uploaded some of my creations few years ago. Yeah, out of fashion already. been long time. Had no time n had no chance to draw again. Keep busy lately with my programming stuff, especially after my PC is 'out of order' hehehe. Whenever i have some spare times, I'll start to draw again.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Eid Fitr 1429H \(^__^)/
Sorry for belated,
I juz wanna say Iro iro machigai ga attara,
kokoro no naka kara hontou ni sumimasen deshita…
For any mistakes, faults, From deepest of my heart,
I’m asking for the greatest aplogize…
Untuk semua salah, khilaf, perbuatan, perkataan
Saya mohon maaf lahir dan batin…
Happy Eid Fitr 1429H \(^__^)/
Lebaran & The Beginning
Eeto… I was intended to write down what had happened lately. But I forgot since I juz got recovered from fever last time. It took several days. And the worst part is, both my parents got almost the same sick. They got high fever for several days. Until my brother came and took a look after them, he straightforward decided to hospitalized them. He checked my bunda’s arm ~I dunno what its called, the part of joints of fore arm and upper arm, the opposite of elbow~ with tensimeter and saw many red spots came out after a while. He concluded it was DB. He juz arrived at home that time, after he had duties and stayed in hospital and had been there for 3 days. But since my parents and I were like that, he drove us to hospital. Nanka… he sucha a good son, good brother and doctor. So, both my parents hospitalized for two days, before they allowed to go home, since their trombo was raising up. Till now, they’re ok, though after that they’re so really busy. Me too, even after I got fever, I still kept my eyes opened till 3 am before I went to bed.
This year Lebaran, spent in hospital and home. We didn’t go anywhere. Sigh… when I really wanted to go to another place, I kept stucked here. Yeah… I think I need some time for resting. My families came to Malang in Saturday but they juz stayed only few hours. They returned in the evening. I really wanted them to stay even longer. But… what could I do…
This Monday, I decided to resigned from the job, from Magicsoft Asia System. Actually I did had that intention since a month earlier, but I postponed it, till yesterday. Now, my bustle is only redesign my blog, that is. I need some time to rest, free my mind and start all over again. Hopefully, it will be a better beginning.
Yesterday, I saw same number so many times, 25. It was so everywhere. Hope it was a lucky number hahahaha, though I knew it juz a coincident. Hope it’s a good sign. Amin…
Guess I dunno else what to write down, since I’m getting “early senile” lately hahaha. So many things I‘ve forgotten. Geez… Hope its not going any worsen.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wishing You the best, wishing You happiness as always.
Kansha shitemasu. Otsukaresama desu.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The bad thing is, I got fever and my body was so hot ~till i write this, but its getting colder. Guessed it was caused by infection in my throat. Yesterday, when I was eating prawn, it got stucked n hurt my throat. The result was, my throat was bleeding. I knew that when I was taking wudlu n spit the water, there's blood in it. Geez... T-T though the bleeding was stopped, but my throat still hurt till now. And today, when I woke up, I felt my body so hot, and worst thing, I had to go to office in sunday. So I went to office an hour late. Did some tasks and also copied my stuffs for my resignation preparation ~dunno when it is exacty. At 3 o'clock, Bunda
made a phone. She told me that speedy guys is going to my house.
Yosh!!! After been waiting for about 5 days since I applied for speedy, they sent people to set it up in my house. Yeah, they set it for about one hour, took time longer due to the telephone line n LAN installation in my house. N yatta... its connected!! Tried to surf the web and download Naruto, and speed is not bad, 55-59 kB/s. But because my wrecked mouse, when i incidentally click once on the download list, my mouse made it twice, and the download progress was cancelled. Arrgghhh~
I think, I need some times to rest. Hayaku genki ni naru!! Amin...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I saw quotes below from Hafiz's blog for the first time:
Don’t ask a developer to work more overtime than he or she wants to work. Developers are like cats. If you push them in one direction, you can’t predict which way they’ll go except that they won’t go in the direction they’re pushed. If you need to get more done, come up with a different solution. (Source)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My fave blog
Objective point of view is a good criticism.
The new blog is The Fardreamer~In loving memory of all the dreams. In which the older one is Taman Berteduh.
Read it, you'll understand, you'll realize, you'll think, and you'll act (if you assume you're a good person, though)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This week back songs... Kurumi, GIFT, Love Hajimemashita

Wada Kouji, is a singer that i like since many2 years ago, i knew him because he used to sing soundtrack for Digimon (8 years ago i think, first time Digimon on air in Indosiar). Since then on, i like his songs. These 2 last week, my back songs are Wada Kouji's from album Ever and also from Digimon osts, they are Bravery, Sketch, Hanabi JACK, Kami Hikouki, Kimi to Kisetsu to Hidamari to, Hirai ~Unplugged, Butterfly (Piano version), Seven (Acoustic), Kimi no Keshiki, Pierce, Daybreak, Honoo no Overdrive, Egao, Shoujo no Mama de, Say Again, Kimi Iro no Mirai, Modern Love, Bokura no Digital World, there are some more. I like them soooo muchh...
But this week, my back songs are Mr. Children. The most I like is Kurumi especially Kurumi live ver sang in Dome Tour I Love U 2005. This song is sooo~ touching, especially the PV i've seen in Youtube, gosh... i read the comments, and there's even a post says that she shedded tears after watched the PV.
Others from Mr Children in my playlist are Shirushi, Hana ~Memento Mori~, Love Hajimemashite, GIFT, Dakishimetai, Owarinakitabi, Tagatame, MIMOSA.
I do like them all...
What'r my next back songs? we'll see... ^^

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Today’s activities…
Watched a while, and a thought came up, gotta try to install N-Gage in my N73, of course, official N-Gage is unable to be installed in my phone, but in the forums patched one is works, have to try it by myself. So, I turned on the PC, and plugged my external hdd and yeah I found the installer. Read the instructions, says it needs a hacked phone with full capability, and copy the installserver.exe ~to enable installing without certificate for most app~. Luckily, I’ve done some steps before; I did already hacked my phone long long time ago. Tried to install but no luck, it said certificate error, lazy to sign it with my certificate, I juz copied the installserver.exe to c:\sys\bin then restart it, and tried to install it once again. Result is, YATTA!!! \(^o^)/ It worked, after few confirmations it started to install the N-Gage Launcher. Tested the game by installing Bounce, after waiting 20 minutes of installation, tried to launch, but no hope, my phone juz gave me blank white screen. Hmm… started thinking, I didn’t make any mistakes. Maybe restarting is able to solve it, so I restarted my phone. And launched it again, and yes! Problem solved! I was able to play Bounce, went to the next game to be installed, FIFA 2008. It also worked fine. Hahaha… I’m so glad I had this device.
Sun out there was getting hotter,aaa~ its almost mid day. Suddenly, I started thinking of Yuu, dunno why, it juz came up to my mind. I was remembering what I said to her, after been long time i didn’t see her, she had a new laptop n there’s vista in it. I said, “don’t you think its kinda useless to have vista when the compatibility is not good for some apps, for coding?”, but she answered its already installed when she bought it. “Aaa~ I see”. Since then, I realized I also had vista in my PC ~actually I had 3 OS installed in my PC, windoz XP SP2, SP1, and vista~. Primary is the first, and second is for recovery purpose, and the vista juz for “having”. Coz, since I installed, my PC became unstable, suddenly turned off and then couldn’t be turned on. Lately, I knew the reason, it was because the cable extender was already out of age , probably 8 years already. And its too late to know it, I’d abandoned my PC for almost a year hahahaha!!! =_=!!! *sigh deeply* I replaced the extender some days ago, and now my PC runs well, that’s why now I’m back to my PC again and starting to enjoy and do some experiences with my PC.

Finally, I started to manage my vista, installed some programs, n installed some drivers for Bluetooth, graphic card, etc. but the most urgent was the graphic card. My new monitor was only capable to display max 1280x1024 instead of 1440x900 (now I had widescreen LCD). I believed, its must be the driver because in XP I it was able to set to 1440x900, and my guess is yes, it was using WDM driver from vista driver. Searched through my hdd and the only driver I found was only for XP, vista didn’t recognized it. Sigh… ~_~ But, suddenly I remembered, there’s one in CHIP DVD. Searching in the dvd boxes, and found latest one i got is 7/2008, and there’s a driver for vista, yeah hope it works. Try to install it, but it said its not compatible, its only run for Vista (32 bit). Wait a minute!!! Mine is vista rite?? So how come?? Gosh… Checked many times, its truly vista, I’m not blind, I did installed vista. Trying to figure out then whats wrong with the installation… An idea came up, I’ll try to extract the driver and install it manually. But, the program to extract?? Daaa~ I forgot, it’s been a long time, I didn’t remember the name ~I used to remember it since I was in junior hischool and touched windoz 95~. Finally, after almost a half hour searching, I figured out the app. At first, I thought the name is extract.exe, or extrac32.exe. But I was wrong, the right one is expand.exe, I forgot, its not extracting (from a cab/archive file), but expanding from a single file (the extension of compressed usually ended with “_”). Then, since its expanding from one file to another, it will be tired to type “expand file1.ex_ file1.exe”, instead, I created a batch file consisted all files needed to expand. After finished, tried to update my graphic driver, after some blank screen, finally the driver is UPDATED! YOKATTA NA!! Eventually, the resolution was able to be set to 1440x900.
Aaaaa~ I’m tired today… I guess I’ll continue next time (probably tonight, I’m so workaholic now as I used to be hahahaha). I must freeze my left leg, compress it with cold freezing ice, I guess I got my muscles strained and pain me to ass. It’s been 2 days I got pain. I have to start exercise and work out next time, especially because the way I’m riding my bike that always going speedy and almost over 100 kph, and lean left-right ~stupidly like in motogp hahaha~… Hope it will be healed soon. Amin ya rabbal alamin…
Friday, September 19, 2008
Stupidity... =_=
I think I’ll screw up my life. Bleh~
Am I a language geek?nerd? Nope, absolutely I’m not! I’m not a polyglot either.
Somehow, I feel like “aa~ this language is interesting, gotta learn a lil bit of”, buy a bun of books, start autodidactic learning, at first, it’s very interesting, but as time goes by, slowly but sure that books will never been touched anymore. Then start thinking, oh my Gosh… I spent money for something I didn’t use well. Probably, I’ll start reading it again, but after that… yeah… ya know… I’m too lazy to read a book that has no images inside it.
Nanka… what makes me embarrased is, I got a bad mark for my Javanese language since I was in elementary. I’m not good in Javanese, I should that I must good in it, why? Coz both my parents are javanese, my brother is also good, mostly my families are good. But me? Some says that I’m an anomaly wew~. Instead learning Javanese that I must able to, in fact, I learn Japanese.
But, start thinking again, I think I’ll get rid of any thoughts about deutsch,n hopefully I’ll concentrate in Japanese and also my poor English. Aa~ its still a long long journey…
Yosh… Itsumo itsumademo… ganbatte iru ne…
Ore wa tensai jyanai, datte, otoko no jinsei ni, ganbatte iru wa beshi koto desu!
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yotsubato! Yotsuba&! よつばと!
Recently, I'm reading this manga (vol 1,2,5,6~missing vol 3,4, couldnt find any in gramed or toga T-T). Its soooo funnny and makes me laugh so much!... ~till I got stomach ache =_=~. So, I'm not gonna be a spoiler, juz read it and you'll laugh..
I do really like manga sucha Kocchi Muite Miiko! n Yotsubato! Children are so funny, arent they? ^^

Another my back's photo...
Ore to Kisetsu to Hidamari to ~kyonen

I do really like this photo, the scenery, the sun, and my back ~reminds me to Wada Kouji's song Kimi to Kisetsu to Hidamari to (You, the Seasons, and the Sun).
It was taken by my boss when we were at King's Park, Oz.. At that time, I did really grateful, after one week full of works and pressures, finally we could breathe a fresh air. Actually the one that made me depression is my own boss, not the environmental work. Till now, I dont really like the way he lead us. Giving us tasks without confirmation n discussion among the programmers, too bossy, peliiiitt, too many lies, nanka... what he had said sometime is totally different from what he had done ... Aaa~ he drives me nut... SUTOPPU SUTOPPU!!
Juz wanna runaway n start new life...
Hayaku nigerooo!!!... =_=!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Juz realized I messed up my life...
I juz realized today, I'm not getting anywhere, sticking here like a stupid, like in a jail so called OFFICE!!!
Knowing my friends and people out there are expanding, growing, bigger and bigger but me?? even getting smaller. I'm not doing anything except, silly obeying what my boss says.
Gotta get out of here as soon as possible... Start thinking of my master degree, start making researches, writing journals. I guess I'll quit my job this month or at least by next month, after I got 13rd salary (whether its 1st payment or 2nd payment, seems dun care now, whether I could buy a sport motorbike, rather dun care now... I already have what i need, my brain, my soul, computer, friends, phone, home, bike, and also the first and the most important, of course Allah swt). I have to start reading, writing, back again to make my brain spinning like a CD in its player.
Hopefully, starting next month, I'll take a Japanese language course and maybe also Deutcsh... (wait a minute, how many languages I'll learn =_= is it worthy??
I'm frustating now... i feels like I'm running out of time, first I have to cure my self, gotta get myself healed, by this year, and then i'll try to apply for scholarship and able to go abroad....
GANBATTE NEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya Allah... tasukete kure...
Forgot that i had this blog ^o^
Saa... minna, if u have spare time to spend, visit me at my blog ya as i stated above...
Jya ne~
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu... ~_~